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Mentors inspire, encourage, and support you, and contribute to your professional and personal development. You can expect to strengthen and build your network, and gain the skills and confidence necessary to excel.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I choose a Mentor? First complete your profile with information on what help you are looking for. Then browse through the list of mentors and send a meeting request to a mentor that you would like to connect with.
  • How long does the average session last? We ask our mentors to make commitments of at least an hour per meeting. 

Mentee DO's

  1. Take a proactive role in searching out and connecting to mentors. 
  2. Understand what you want from the mentoring interaction and communicate your goals and aspirations to your mentor. Balance personal and professional rapport with your mentor.
  3. Keep all scheduled appointments and display professional behavior.
  4. Come to meetings prepared with planned topics.
  5. Be open and honest with your mentor about your challenges and weaknesses. 
  6. Keep information that your mentor has shared with you confidential. If something concerning the mentor needs to be discussed with others, it should first be discussed with the mentor.

Mentee DON'Ts

  1. Ask for advice on everything. Have a purpose in each request.
  2. Blame the mentor if his or her advice doesn't work out.
  3. Expect the mentor to know all the answers.
  4. Commit yourself to obligations you cannot keep.
  5. Cancel meetings/visits with your mentor at the last minute.

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